The Company Show

Leveraging podcasts in your business.

The Company Show is a podcast about running a podcast for your business or company. Podcasting FOR your business or company is different than podcasting as a passion project, or even with your podcast AS a business.

You need to meet real organizational goals with a minimum of time and energy, because the podcast is just one part of all that you do.

Whether you’re a solopreneur who is running a whole business, or the marketing manager overseeing multiple cross-channel campaigns, company podcasts have specific requirements, restrictions and opportunities that hobby, passion and solo-project podcasts just don’t have.

But if you can work out a good system, you can shorten sales cycles, pre-warm leads, meet new partners, increase your brand awareness and authority, and generate weekly (or more!) fresh, dynamic content, all in the course of producing your show.

This podcast will help you do that, with answers to every question you’ve got about podcasting, and interviews with different subject matter experts in the content marketing and multi-media industries.

Check out our show notes and blog posts!

The Philosophy of Podcast Promotions with Deirdre Tshien

The Philosophy of Podcast Promotions with Deirdre Tshien

This week’s guest, Deirdre Tshien, is the host of the Grow My Show podcast and the CEO and co-founder of Capsho, a revolutionary AI-powered podcast copywriting tool. She is an influential, recognized authority on growing companies and building communities on the...

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Finding and Inviting Guests to Your Podcast

Finding and Inviting Guests to Your Podcast

Asking a stranger, especially one that is well-regarded in the industry, to join you on your podcast can be a little nerve-wracking. Imposter syndrome is real, and especially if you haven’t been podcasting very long, it can feel like a big, high-risk ask.  Most...

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The Power of Strategy with Stephanie Feger

The Power of Strategy with Stephanie Feger

This week’s guest Stephanie Feger uses a capsule podcast strategy, and it’s working like a charm! Stephanie’s approach of hyper-specific and thoroughly planned out episodes and seasons to teach and engage current and future clients is exactly the kind of use case we...

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Should You Get a Sponsor for Your Company Podcast?

Should You Get a Sponsor for Your Company Podcast?

There comes a time in many podcaster’s lives when they look at their show and their audience and their expense line items and think: I should get a sponsor.  Running ads and having sponsors for your show can be a good move - but it isn’t in every case, especially for...

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Will AI Replace Writers? with Karl Sona

Will AI Replace Writers? with Karl Sona

Imagine the possibilities if we could produce podcasts on demand with AI. There’s no doubt that human creativity will always play an important role when it comes to crafting engaging content, but new tools are helping podcasters overcome one major bottleneck: show...

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Getting Good Sound for Your Podcast

Getting Good Sound for Your Podcast

You have heard, I am sure, that content is king. And of course it’s important to have good content that provides value to your listeners and your business. But it’s also important to have good sounding audio. Podcasting has been around for nearly two decades now, and...

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How to Pitch Yourself as a Guest

How to Pitch Yourself as a Guest

Growing your audience and your professional network is always a hot topic in the business podcast community. A great way to do this is by being a guest on other people’s podcasts. But how do you pitch yourself to a host of a complementary podcast? Today’s guest, Angie...

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Bringing Order to Chaos in Your Podcast Processes

Bringing Order to Chaos in Your Podcast Processes

A podcast has a lot of moving parts - from wrangling guests and getting all of the information you need from them, to editing the episode and promoting it far and wide. Keeping track of all of those moving parts can be a challenge at the best of times. Process...

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Solving Problems for Podcasters

Solving Problems for Podcasters

For some people, like today’s guest Alex Sanfilippo, finding a recurring problem in business means fixing the problem permanently. In Alex’s case that meant building a software empire from the ground up. He is the host of the Podcasting Made Simple podcast and founder...

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