Podcasting for Business

Relentlessly Practical Podcasting for when it’s just part of the job.


You’ll find training, support, clarity, accountability and answers to all of your questions in the Business Podcast Accelerator!

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The Company Show

Our podcast with expert interviews, case studies, analysis, and strategies to help you profit from your company’s podcast.

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Podcast Impact Assessment

Can you save time, increase your profit and get more opportunities from you podcast?

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Our annual all-virtual, all-recorded conference with three days of presentations, networking events, workshops and more.

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Podcast Production

Boutique podcast production to take your podcast form an idea to live on Spotify in as little as 6 weeks! Seasons and ongoing production available.

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Original Research

Every year we do a deep-dive report into what the top 100 business shows are doing, from format to branding, to promotion to sponsorship.

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Create a podcast for more…


…for your business.

Company podcasts need to meet company goals. You’re not just in this for the love of the medium, so you need to be able to track, measure and communicate the value your show is creating for your business.

If you want a podcast to be a marketing channel that grows your network, your industry authority, your content and IP, and even your pool of customers and community members, you need three things:


A Strategy for how the podcast works within your business – the high-level goal you need it to achieve and the tactics you’ll use to make progress towards real, measurable objectives.

Data from your own show and from other podcasters in the industry that will let you know if what you’re doing is working and measure the value your show is creating.

And Support – the outside and community help you need when you need for the questions that inevitably come up and to help you flesh out your ideas.

Ask yourself:

  • What is the business purpose of my podcast?
  • Does your show present my company and brand the way I want it to?
  • Am I leaving any value on the table in terms of content, relationships or opportunities?
  • Are my workflows saving time and money, or costing more than they should?

If those questions don’t have easy answers, you might need a little extra support in your corner.

So, if you think that…

  • Input on your show structure or repurposing strategy,
  • Tech support on fiddly editing projects,
  • Brainstorming about your content calendar and guest list,
  • Advice on organizing your information,
  • Tips and strategies for promotion,
  • Seeing what other companies are doing with their podcasts,
  • And just knowing you have someone to ASK when these little things crop up, as they do from time to time,

…would be useful, then we can help.

When podcasting is just one of the many things you do every day, you need to be as efficient and effective as possible, and get every episode to result in the content and connections that help you grow your company and enhance your relationships with your clients and community.

The Company Show

The Company Show is a podcast about running a podcast for your business or company. Podcasting FOR your business or company is different than podcasting as a passion project, or even with your podcast AS a business.

You need to meet real organizational goals with a minimum of time and energy, because the podcast is just one part of all that you do. Whether you’re a solopreneur who is running a whole business, or the marketing manager overseeing multiple cross-channel campaigns company podcasts have specific requirements, restrictions and opportunities that hobby, passion and solo-project podcasts just don’t have. But if you can work out a good system, you can shorten sales cycles, pre-warm leads, meet new partners, increase your brand awareness and authority, and generate weekly (or more!) fresh, dynamic content, all in the course of producing your show.

This podcast will help you do that, with answers to every question you’ve got about podcasting, and interviews with different subject matter experts in the content marketing and multi-media industries.