The Business Podcast Accelerator

For Business Podcasts That Get Results

When you record an episode of your company’s podcast, you should know three things:

1. You have created a piece of content that is going to reflect well on you and your business.

2. The episode is going to directly help you achieve business goals.

3. You will know exactly how much value that episode brings to your business over time.

If you’re not currently feeling those things after recording an episode – then you have an opportunity to add a lot of ease, pleasure and profit to your podcasting process.

The Business Podcast Accelerator is an ongoing membership that will help you leverage your business’s podcast for a higher return on your investment through live training, individual (private!) support, all backed by the expertise and original research by the team at One Stone Creative. Enrollment is open now, the monthly investment is $247, and it’s all online.

Press Record. Hit Goals. 

By registering and paying you agree to the terms and conditions of the Business Podcast Accelerator!

If you have a podcast for your business, and know that it’s worth the time and money, but aren’t sure exactly how to measure and communciate the value it generates, want to improve both your performance and your KPI’s, and have a second set of expert ears on your work (and eyes on your stats!)…

Then the Business Podcast Accelerator will give you access to the experts, infrastructure and feedback you need to have clarity on the value the show creates, and optimize your podcast for more of what is going to make the biggest difference to your business.

The difference between a successful company podcast and a failed one is meaningful progress towards measurable goals.

In the Business Podcast Accelerator You’ll Get:

  • A system for tracking your stats that we will create for you based on your business goals, and prompt you to complete each month, as well as helping you analyze the results.
  • Monthly episode feedback from highly experienced audio engineers and podcast strategists so you can improve your podcast every month.
  • Quarterly Zoom planning calls to strategize your content calendar, promotion and repurposing, and review your progress.
  • Monthly ROI Optimization calls to learn critical podcasting skills, make sure you’re staying on track with your and to workshop your show for better business performance.
  • On-demand private email and voice support from a team of dedicated podcasting professionals, so you never get stuck on the little things that can make a big difference.
  • Monthly promotional content creation sessions were you meet 1-on-1 with a producer to record promotional content for your show and your busienss-  then we produce it for you with your branding.

A Podcast for a Business Needs a Few Things:

  • Measurable, replicable progress towards company goals,
  • Clarity about what is and isn’t working, and
  • Efficient planning, production and promotion.

If you’re not currently seeing these things perform as well as you think they should, then there is room to optimize your show, workflows, and metrics tracking.

You probably know how to do a lot of it – but your follow-ups and repurposing get backburnered, you’re running up against your publication deadlines more often than you like and that deep forensic analysis of all of your stats is…something to think about later, once you figure out what the downloads are actually telling you.

What if instead…

You were recording well in advance of publication on topics you know your community is interested in and that you’ll be able to repurpose within your business…

You were spending little-to-no time on podcast admin, but were building more meaningful relationships with your guests… 

You were excited to review your metrics every month because you can see right away what is working and what changes you need to make…

You were  starting to notice that you are spending less and less time planning, promoting and repurposing your content while your KPI’s keep going up and to the right…


…you never had to think about your show outside of working hours again. 

Sounds amazing…

But what if you’re ridiculously busy, completely out of bandwidth and brainspace, and not sure there’s really much more to be gotten out of the show because…its fine?

We’ve been there, too!


And we’ve seen lots of other company shows continuing to labor on under the banner of “good enough.”

When we work with production clients, we take on the work of project management, stats tracking, trends research and application, promotional materials etc. It makes a huge difference for the companies we work with.

It is so much more joyful when you can spend your time having excellent conversations or creating valuable content, and not worry too much about the rest – knowing that things are getting better, the value of your show is growing exponentially, and key tasks are not being relegated to the backburner.

We can only produce so many podcasts, but what we learn from the amazing shows we work with, from running the Podcasting for Business Conference and conducting our annual original research report can be applied to your show, in a structured way designed to help you feel more confident in the value of your podcast for your company – without spending a lot of extra time, money or brainspace on it.

Your Podcast is Different Than Anyone Else’s

So you need personalized strategy, insight and support. That is our specialty, and our clients are happy to talk about it!

Really Elevated our Podcast…

“The service that you guys provide has really elevated our podcast, expanded our growth and opportunity, and demonstrated to our team how to do podcasting most efficiently, and I really appreciate that. I’ve worked with other services, and tried to do a lot on my own, and I can tell you, I’ve learned a lot.” – Michael Volkov, Corruption, Crime and Compliance (Production Client)

Blown Away by What We Achieved

“It was a beautiful collaboration. We hired One Stone to work with us on a consulting basis and we wanted to go over podcast strategy, format and production. I personally knew nothing about any of those three buckets, although other members of our team had much more of a background in that… and what I found to be so profoundly helpful was that Megan and Audra can talk to both levels, someone like me who is a complete newbie, or someone like our editing producer who has wonderful technical skills and background. When it comes to strategy, one of the things I really loved was the way in which Megan and Audra talked though the different formats that were available to us and the pros and cons of each one, and when it came to the production piece, figuring out a methodology that worked within our budget and timeframe.

I am completely blown away by what we achieved.” – Manisha Thakor, True WELLth Podcast. (Consulting Client – See full video testimonial here!)

The Business Podcast Accelerator:

The Difference Between Having a Podcast and Having a Marketing Channel

In this membership, you will be guided through regular stats and metrics tracking and analysis, have access to industry-leading experts for personal and private feedback and support, collaboratively plan the highest value content for your business and community, and be constantly optimizing your podcast for maximum value in your business – and it will only take 2 extra hours a month.

Podcasting is just part of your job – but it should be a fun and profitable part.

What You Get In The Accelerator

Everything you are entitled to as a member of the Business Podcast Accelerator.

Metrics Tracking

The Right Metrics Mean No Wasted Time or Energy

One of the first things you’ll do as a new member of the Business Podcast Accelerator is identify the podcast metrics that will make the most difference in your business. We’ll help you determine what your show needs to be doing for your business and how to track whether or not it is accomplishing that goal.

Every month, we will hold you accountable to tracking those metrics and help you analyze them, and make any changes you need to to ensure that your show is pulling it’s weight in your company.

Monthly ROI Clinics

Podcast Optimization for Better Margins

When you look at your podcast through the lens of the most important jobs the show has within your business, you begin to find ways you can optimize specific elements of your production, workflows, or promotional strategies to lower your costs and increase the value you get out of the show.

We study the most successful business podcasts every year, and reserve-engineer strategy and technique to employ in our own podcasts.

In these monthly group calls, we will look at your goals for your podcast and how you can make little tweaks to what you are currently doing to make your show a more effective profit driver in your business.

On-Demand Email and Voice Support

Private and Personalized Support Can Make all the Difference

Personal support makes such a difference. Of course you can google the issues you’re running into, and you can post in Facebook or other membership groups  – but getting a specific answer, from an expert, about the exact issue you’re having when you’re having it can save you a huge amount of time and stress.

As a member of the Accelerator, you will be entitled to on-demand personal email and voice support (within reason!) from the team at One Stone Creative, who have a collective 2 decades of professional podcasting experience.

You will have an email address and a voice mailbox where you can send us whatever issue you’re having – and we’ll get back to you with a response within 24 hours M-F, excluding national holidays in the United States and Canada.

What is within reason?

Within reason means an email or two a week, usually. Of course there will be times in your life as a podcaster when you have a LOT of questions – and that’s cool, we’re here to support you – but we would expect that there are also times when you’ve got it and don’t need a lot of individual support. 

What kind of questions should I ask?

You can ask things like:

What do these stats mean?
Why does my audio have that ringing sound?
Will this promotional strategy work?
How could I improve this CTA?
Is this a scam offer?
Which mic will be best for my office?

Basically, anything unique to your situation that you’d like expert advice on.

What kinds of questions should I not ask?

You can ask absolutely any question, but if we have a pre-made resource that deals with your situation, you need an in-depth content review, or the question would be best answered in a live format, we will let you know how to access the support you need, give you some resources to work with in the meantime, or direct you to a service that would be more appropriate

Quarterly Planning Calls

Planning Changes Everything.

Does the ever-growing list of ‘Things To Figure Out’ stress you out? It wouldn’t be surprising if it does! Guests, episode order, content repurposing, promotion, follow-ups, engaging with audience… There’s a lot. But a good plan is half the battle, and as with most things, doing it with a little help rather than alone can make a big difference.

Quarterly Planning Calls will be held early in the last month of each quarter to prepare for the next one.

Monthly Episode Feedback

Direct Feedback for Constant Improvement.

Every month you will be invited to submit a podcast episode you would like us to review and give you feedback on. You will be able to choose which of the 5 key podcasting skills categories you are currently working on: performance, show parts, audio quality, external marketing, and subject matter.

Then a member of the team will review your episode and give you something you are doing well, and two things to work on over the next month.

(For your very first review – we will give you feedback on all 5 of the elements so that you can capture all of the low hanging fruit right away!)

Promotional Content Creation

Creating promotional content for your podcast can be a challenge – it’s a lot easier to do it with a little support. As a member of the Business Podcast Accelerator you’ll be entitled to a monthly 20-minute session with one of our producers who will coach you through creating video content to promote your podcast episodes and your business. You will receive 4 branded videos for reels or shorts to get the word out!

SOS Production Services

Sometimes, emergencies happen! If you have an in-house producer or 3rd party service provider that you love, but who for some reason cannot produce an episode on time, members of the accelerator have the right to hire One Stone Creative at a rate of $300/episode to temporarily fill the gap in your production schedule. (We will need at least 2 business days notice!)

Get To Know the Team…

The Business Podcast Accelerator is an offering from One Stone Creative Inc, a full-service podcast production agency that has been producing company shows since 2017.

Megan Dougherty is a digital marketing strategist with a background in online business development and course creation. She has had the opportunity over the years to work with hundreds of business owners in a wide variety of industries. She co-founded One Stone Creative in 2017 with Audra Casino, started the State of Business Podcasting report in 2020, and hosted the first Podcasting for Business Conference in 2022.

She will be delighted to answer your questions about strategy, metrics tracking and workflow development!


    Audra Casino is a radio broadcast veteran since 1997, both as a performer and producer. Her voice and audio production have been heard by millions. In the 2011, she moved into podcasting and video production, forecasting the future of audio-video content for the mass market. She has produced thousands of podcasts and created unique, compelling videos for YouTube, online courses, social ads, and company websites.

      She will be over-the-moon to give you feedback on your podcast audio and content!

      The Brothers Galino (Irwin and Sen) are the duo that handles the majority of the day to day audio production at One Stone Creative! They have been working with Megan and Audra since 2018 and 2019 respectively in what we fondly call “The Galino Audio Spa.”

      They will be excited to help you pinpoint audio issues, optimize your mic and recording environment and prvide tips on post-production strategy! 

      Irwin Galino has been a  media professional for over a decades, working in both the private and government sectors.

      Jensen Galino is an audio producer with a background in music and multi-media production.

      Darla Fields an administrator and project manager with a genuine desire to help others succeed in their business and get their message out to the world. She has an unquenchable curiosity and a desire to learn about productivity, new software, and just about anything else

        She can help you optimize your workflows, integrate your tech and troubleshoot your issues!

        James Andre San Juan is the social media and outreach coordinator for One Stone Creative. He joined the team in 2023 and has taken over all social media, promotional and paid traffic business areas. A digital marketing strategist with a background in online business development and course creation, James entered the world of digital marketing in 2018—and he never looked back. He has a burning passion for anything online and is always on the lookout for the industry’s latest trends and hacks.

        If you need insight about social media for your podcast, paid traffic and design, he’s your man!


          The whole team at One Stone Creative is excited to welcome you into the Business Podcast Accelerator. Working with company podcasts is our day-in, day-out, and there is nothing we enjoy more than seeing the podcasters we work with succeed in audio and in business.

          Q and A – Important Stuff

          Is there a contract, or length of time I am required to me a member?

          Nope! Sign up when works for you, leave if you need to when you need to. No pressure. Please note however, that months cannot be pro-rated. If you decide to cancel, which you can do at any time for any reason, you will have access until the end of the billing cycle.

          Is there a Facebook Group or membership community to join?

          Not at this time. There is a webpage that has information about how to access the services you are entitled to as a member of the Business Podcast Accelerator, you will receive calendar invites for scheduled calls, and otherwise we will communicate via email and voicemail.

          How much time do I need to invest to get value out of the Business Podcast Accelerator?

          Probably not much more than you are spending on your podcast now – this is about working smarter, not harder after all! Either you or a member of your team should plan to attend the quarterly planning call, and the monthly ROI clinic, or watch the recordings. Otherwise, our focus is on optimizing the work you are currently doing rather than adding to your list.

          Will the Accelerator help me get more downloads?

          That depends on whether or not more podcast downloads will have a meaningful impact on your business. For most companies, downloads are not a very important metric compared to others like new leads, social media engagement, sales cycle length and saved labor time!

          I don’t have a podcast yet, will the Accelerator help me start one?

          No – this is a program designed for existing podcasts – even if it has only existed for a few weeks! But it is not set up to help you plan and launch a new show. We’d be happy to chat about that with you, however! Send us a note using the contact form below.

          My producer/editor/assistant is involved in my podcast strategy – can they come to calls?

          Absolutely! You are welcome to bring along a team member or producer to all of our Strategy, ROI and planning calls, and we’re also happy to share your personal stats tracking document with them as well, so they’re in the loop! Only one person may have access to the members page, however. 

          I’m a producer and I’d like to enroll my clients –  but I want them using my strategy rather than a new one.

          No problem – your clients trust you for a reason and we’ll be delighted to support you and them with the goals you’ve established together. Feel free to share any details you think we should have on registration, and we’ll make sure that your client’s file is updated with it. You’re also welcome to attend any onboarding and strategy calls to weigh in. 

          Re-Cap (And a Special Bonus!)

          Here’s what you get in the Business Podcast Accelerator:

          • As soon as you join, we’ll help you identify the key metrics you need to track, and provide the infrastructure for you to use to track every month!
          •  Quarterly Zoom planning calls – these happen early in the last quarter of each month, and will be a chance to create an editorial, promotional and repurposing plan so all you need to do for the next three months is follow it!
          • Monthly ROI Clinics – each month we will look at a different strategy you can use to increase your podcast’s ROI, and workshop elements of your show for maximum benefit.
          • On-Demand Personal and Private Email Support so you never need to be stuck. Whether it’s strategy, tech, workflow, promotion or performance – we’ll answer your question within 24 hours (Monday to Friday!)
          • Episode Feedback. Every month, you will be able to submit an episode to us to review on a key podcasting skills area. We’ll let you now what you’re doing well, and give you two areas to work on.
          • Promotional Content Creation. Once a month, you are entitled to a 20-minute promotional content recording session with one of our producers who will guide you through creating video content to promote your show, your guests and your business – then we’ll create 4 promotional videos for you to share on your social channels, with your branding 
          • SOS Production Services. If you ever find yourself without your regular production support at the last minute (because emergencies can happen to even the best producers!), you can hire the team at One Stone Creative to be your emergency team for $300/episode – we’ll make sure you release on time! (includes episode production and basic notes!)

          Bonus 1!

          We are delighted to offer all new members of the Business Podcast Accelerator bonus access to the 2023 Podcasting for Business Conference Call recordings! ($97 Value)

          These are 21 rich, detailed talks from industry-leading podcasting experts on topics from show development to guesting, to SEO, to Podcast networks and so much more!


          Bonus 2!

          Private Podcast Strategy Sessions with Megan Dougherty. If you want a little extra support with your show and making sure you’re taking the right actions to develp your business, new members who join befre Dec 31st 2024 will recieve 3 private 30-minute podcast strategy sessions with Megan Dougherty to review your decisions, optimize your show and fast-track your growth.

          Let’s Do This!

          Not 100% sure this is for you? Do you have any questions about how the membership works, or how we can integrate with you current team? Book a call with Megan Dougherty to talk it over and see if it’s a good fit!

          Get in Touch!

          Questions about the Success Circle? Want to confirm it’s a good fit? Enter your name and question in the form below, and we’ll be back in touch with you within 24 hours (M-F).

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