Podcasting for Business
For when podcasting is just part of the job.
Strategy and Networking Calls: You’re In!
Thank you for Registering! You are offcially confirmed and invited to the monthly calls. We’ll be doing attendee hotseats, trainings, expert Q and A, networking and more. It’s going to be awesome.
Calls are on the 3rd Thursday of every month.
We’ll be emailing you direct links to join the calls the day they happen, and you can add the next one to your calendar now.
Next Call: Your Podcast Impact Assessment
Thursday, July 18th 12:00pm Eastern
Previous Calls:
How to Create High-Demand for Your Podcast—One Episode At a Time.
Creating demand for your podcast is an excellent way to extend your reach and influence. M. Shannon Hernandez, founder of Joyful Business Revolution™, showed us how to discover the psychological impact of your current messaging and shift it to increase listenership, click-throughs, and podcast downloads.
Your Podcast Impact Assessment
When is the last time you checked in to make sure your podcast was working as efficiently and effectively as it could for your business goals? In May’s Strategy call, we talked through a new resource that you can use to evaluate the impact your podcasting is making on your business.
Protecting Your Vocal Health
When you start podcasting as a marketing channel for your business, you’re often not coming from a background where your voice is seen as a tool that needs to be cared for – but it is, and you should make it a priority. It’s not just about how you sound in your recordings – it’s about preventing vocal strain, improving the longevity of your voice, and having more control over how you sound.
Is Your Podcast Making the Right First Impression?
When you start a podcast as a marketing channel for your business, you’re probably not thinking that doing so could actually *cost* you clients, opportunities and reputation. But it absolutely can. There are minimum quality standards that you need to be mindful of if you’re going to publish multi-media content, and the consequences of not meeting them can be serious.
Repurposing Podcast Content to Courses and Group Programs
Businesses need to get double and triple duty out of their podcasts, and often that means thinking outside the box in terms of how we plan and repurpose content. One of the methods you might want to consider is turning the information you share on your podcast into products and services you can sell to your audience.
Hashtag Usage on Social Media
There have been some significant changes in how the different social media platforms are using and encouraging the use of hashtags.
Paid Podcast Promotion Options
Even thought downloads are not the most important metric for the majority of business podcasts – they don’t hurt, and sometimes they’re important enough to invest in paid promotion.
The Most Useful Spreadsheet of All Time
Do you wish your podcasting process had a little more organization? A well-formatted and integrated episode guide could be the answer!
May 18th: AI Assisted Podacsting with Audra Casino and Kinzie Hamilton
Get real-time demonstrations of some of the most innovative new AI podacsting tools!
Podcast Marketing Trends with Jeremy Enns
Jeremy Enns from the Podcast Marketing Academy joins us to dig into the data from his Podcast Marketing Trends Survey Results.
March 16th: Social Media for Podcasts.
An interview and extesive Q and A with Cedar and Sage Media all about how to effectivle create a social media strategy for your podcast.
The Data on Podcast Guesting.
A deep dive interview with Tom Schwab of Interview Valet about the results of the 2023 State of Podacst Guesting Report.
All About Metrics.
A short training on the different ways you can optimize your podcast to bring value to your business and how to track whether it’s working!
Podcast Production Agency
Podcasting For Business Conference
Original Research
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