Solving Problems for Podcasters

Solving Problems for Podcasters

For some people, like today’s guest Alex Sanfilippo, finding a recurring problem in business means fixing the problem permanently. In Alex’s case that meant building a software empire from the ground up. He is the host of the Podcasting Made Simple podcast and founder...

Branding that Feels Great with Sabrina Chevannes

What makes a podcast truly stand out? Many people believe that being as close to your authentic self as possible, without feeling phony, is the way to grow your business. Today’s guest has extensive experience in creative branding and marketing and is here to offer...
Metrics that Matter for Company Podcasts

Metrics that Matter for Company Podcasts

If you ever wonder how to evaluate your success at podcasting for your business – this episode will help. Learn how to choose metrics that give you real, actionable information about the performance of your show. What makes a podcast successful isn’t how big or...
Introducing the Podcast Social Club

Introducing the Podcast Social Club

Hello folks! This is going to be a little bit of a shorter than normal solo episode, because I am not at home, nor have I been for the last week, nor will I be for the next one. It’s Podfest! And along with half the team, I am making small talk, presenting a talk,...