The Company Show

Leveraging podcasts in your business.

The Company Show is a podcast about running a podcast for your business or company. Podcasting FOR your business or company is different than podcasting as a passion project, or even with your podcast AS a business.

You need to meet real organizational goals with a minimum of time and energy, because the podcast is just one part of all that you do.

Whether you’re a solopreneur who is running a whole business, or the marketing manager overseeing multiple cross-channel campaigns, company podcasts have specific requirements, restrictions and opportunities that hobby, passion and solo-project podcasts just don’t have.

But if you can work out a good system, you can shorten sales cycles, pre-warm leads, meet new partners, increase your brand awareness and authority, and generate weekly (or more!) fresh, dynamic content, all in the course of producing your show.

This podcast will help you do that, with answers to every question you’ve got about podcasting, and interviews with different subject matter experts in the content marketing and multi-media industries.

Check out our show notes and blog posts!

An Exhaustive List of Different Podcast Episode Formats – and When To Use Them

An Exhaustive List of Different Podcast Episode Formats – and When To Use Them

There are a couple of important considerations for a company podcaster to keep in mind when selecting a format: The time it takes to capture the raw audio, the investment that needs to be made in post production and most important of all – the ultimate business goal of the podcast, and how well the format helps you meet it. Today, I’m going to talk about Interviews, Solo episodes, Co-hosted conversations, Panel Discussions, Demonstrative Shows, Documentary style, clip shows and lives. There are other formats of course, like narrative, fiction, news and more – but these are the ones most likely to find a place in podcasts that exist AS businesses, or are passion projects. We’re always balancing the desire to create with the needs of a business, and while quality is always critical – efficiency matters too!

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Branding that Feels Great with Sabrina Chevannes

What makes a podcast truly stand out? Many people believe that being as close to your authentic self as possible, without feeling phony, is the way to grow your business. Today’s guest has extensive experience in creative branding and marketing and is here to offer...

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Metrics that Matter for Company Podcasts

Metrics that Matter for Company Podcasts

If you ever wonder how to evaluate your success at podcasting for your business - this episode will help. Learn how to choose metrics that give you real, actionable information about the performance of your show. What makes a podcast successful isn’t how big or...

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Introducing the Podcast Social Club

Introducing the Podcast Social Club

Hello folks! This is going to be a little bit of a shorter than normal solo episode, because I am not at home, nor have I been for the last week, nor will I be for the next one. It’s Podfest! And along with half the team, I am making small talk, presenting a talk,...

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Giving Your Sales Team Superpowers with Rob Stevenson

Giving Your Sales Team Superpowers with Rob Stevenson

Starting a company podcast can be a solid strategy for improving brand awareness, but it shouldn’t be the only way you derive value from your show. Today’s guest has extensive experience in B2B marketing, and is here to offer his advice on making a podcast an integral...

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Maximizing your Creative Energy to Serve Your Audience

Maximizing your Creative Energy to Serve Your Audience

In a business where it’s important for people to know, like and trust you to get the job done, a podcast goes a long way. Content that demonstrates your knowledge can be hugely valuable when seeking out new opportunities - not to mention the endless networking...

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