Understanding the highly specific and sometimes barely comprehensible podcast terminology can be a bit of a trick. Jargon and buzzwordy terms can give you a fun insider feeling, but more importantly, they can facilitate conversations in your career. On the other hand, not knowing the industry lingo can make you feel alienated and excluded. It can be difficult to get a sense of what all of the words and phrases mean, especially in an industry like podcasting where new terms are continuously being added and used. No need to fear, that’s what we’re discussing today on the Business Podcast Blueprint. 

Words we’re defining:

  • Host: One word with two separate and distinct meanings. The first is the main talent of a show, while the second meaning is the place online where you upload your finished episodes to be distributed to different podcast players. 
  • RSS/RSS feed: The mechanism by which the host is able to communicate with podcast players. 
  • Podcast player: These, also known as ‘podcatchers,’ are the services and companies that distribute and play podcasts, e.g. Spotify, Apple Podcasts.  
  • Sponsor: A person or company who pays for some kind of special mention or advertisements on a podcast. 
  • DIA (digitally inserted ad)/Dynamic ad: An advertisement that is created in advance and exists as a standalone piece of audio that is inserted into a podcast by way of the host. 
  • DAW (digital audio worksstation: Software where you, or your producer, does the actual editing like Audacity and Adobe Audition. 
  • Podcast levels: Measured in decibels, and essentially refers to how loud the audio is. 
  • Hook/Sizzle clip/Cold open: Short piece of audio that opens the show and strives to grab the attention of listeners. 
  • Cadence: Your frequency of release. 
  • Audiogram: Piece of audio that is extracted from the episode, put to video with an animated wav sign and used to promote the show on social media platforms. We love Headliner for making Audiograms.

Want a bonus term? Of course you want a bonus term. 😉

Coming in Hot means that your input volume is too loud, and you might want to lower it (on your computer more often than on your mic)


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Podcast Promotion that Feels Good with Alexandra Cohl

The Anatomy of a Podcast Episode


Podfest Expo 2022 – Come join us! We’re going to have a booth in the expo hall and would love it you dropped by to say hi!

The Podcast Social Club – There has been something cooking at One Stone Creative, and we’re finally ready to share it. If podcast promotion doesnt bring you as much joy as the rest of the creative process… or if it brings you no joy at all, then you should take a peek at a new service that is going to help you spend less time doomscrolling and more time actually engaging in a meaningful way on your social platforms.