Podcasting for Business

For when podcasting is just part of the job.

Podcasting for Business Launch Training Party!

ROI Clinic:

3 Ways to Improve the Return
on Your Podcast Investment

Is your podcast getting people ready to buy from you?
(And be better clients once they do?)

What about saving you time on your social media and customer service, or getting you promotional opportunities in front of other audiences?

And is it all happening pretty smoothly, without too much work on your part?

If the answer to those questions isn’t an enthusiastic YES – then you’ve got some room to optimize.

To celebrate the Launch of Podcasting for Business: How to Create a Show That Makes a Bottom Line Difference For Your Company we’re going to do exactly that.

Join me on Tuesday September 10th to…

Learn 3 critical ways to get more value out of your show:

  • Aligning podcast goals and format
  • Improving workflows and systems
  • Levelling-up your stats tracking

Take action in real time to improve your podcast and processes.

In this 90-minute workshop we will:

  • Compare your business goals to your podcast format and structure to make sure you’re not barking up the wrong tree.
  • Audit your workflows and add templates and automation to find extra time, and save extra work.
  • Update your stats tracking infrastructure so you and your team can find what you need, when you need it. (And be able to tell at a glance if all your work is paying off!)

Come ready to work! The aim of this workshop is for you to start seeing results immediately.

Join me on Tuesday September 10th to…

Learn 3 critical ways to get more value out of your show:

  • Aligning podcast goals and format
  • Improving workflows and systems
  • Levelling-up your stats tracking

Take action in real time to improve your podcast and processes.

About the Host

Megan Dougherty, author of Podcasting for Business, is a digital marketing strategist with a background in online business development. She has had the opportunity over the years to work with hundreds of business owners in a huge variety of industries. She co-founded One Stone Creative a podcast production agency specializing in leveraging podcasts as marketing channels for small businesses.

In 2020 One Stone Creative developed the Business Podcast Blueprints, to help companies and executives dial into the specific ways they can leverage a podcast for their content marketing and business development goals. Megan is also the creator of the Podcasting for Business Conference, and author of Podcasting for Business: How to Create a Show That Makes a Bottom-Line Difference for Your Company.

She currently lives in Western Quebec with her spouse, 2 cats, 4 chickens and over 65 thriving houseplants. When not devising new ways to use old content, she painstakingly creates from scratch items that are easily and cheaply available in many stores.

About the Book

Is a podcast an asset or a liability for your business?

Whether you’ve been podcasting for years, or are thinking about starting, it’s going to be one or the other.

So if you’re not absolutely clear on how and why your (current or future!) podcast is creating value in your company, then you need to change the way you think about podcasting.

When you’re Podcasting for Business, your podcast is not a project with it’s own objective criteria for success or failure. It is a tool that you can design to achieve specific outcomes, and deploy again and again to create real value in your business. The kind you can measure. With real math.

Order your copy today and get a free ticket to the Podcasting for Business Conference!