Tell Me About a Time…

There are people you meet in life who make a big difference; they can leave for a while, come back, and it’s like no time has passed at all. For me, one of those people is my dear friend and business partner, Audra Casino, who I started One Stone Creative with back in...

Combining Digital Media into Content Paths

A blog is good. A YouTube Channel is good. A regular livestream is good. So are podcasts, books, courses, and all the rest. But you know what’s AMAZING? Making them all work together to help strangers become aware of, then like, and then buy from you. When this...

Conversions on Different Digital Media Platforms

One of the chief goals of any content marketing program is conversions. Creators want their content to convert users of that content into customers for their business.  When you have a piece of content that converts well, it’s essentially a goose giving you golden...

Should You Make an Online Course?

 There is a lot of training and information out there about how to create a course. So much. So. So. So. Much. There are consultants, and done-for-you services, and group programs and teachers, and, of course, courses on how to make courses. It sounds amazing, right?...

When to Pivot and When to Quit a Content Platform

You’ve heard that winners never quit and quitters never win. There are areas in life where that is certainly true. Developing a new skill. Playing a sport. I’m generally not a fan of it being applied to business and business decisions, however. Sometimes quitting is...